The Unofficial World Championship Of Russian Computer Programs In Flying Draughts 2023
Aim of the game
- selecting the best computer program in the draughts tournament
- popularization of computer of programs in Russian draughts
- Krzysztof Grzelak - Poland
System of the game
- the tournament will be played the system " round - robin " on distance two main rounds of 9 rounds
- the place of the program in the tournament is determined by the highest number of points scored in the tournament - the largest number of games won and,
the coefficient Sonneborn - Berger
- time of a game - 5 minutes
- all games will be played in micromachets - flying draughts
- the tournament will be played using the official table in flying draughts FMJD
- the tournament scoring - for winning 2 points, for draw 1 point, for defeat 0 points
- there will be a one day non gaming day in the tournament
The time and the place of the game
- the tournament will start 1 December 2023 in the town Kórnik in Poland
- the start time of the tournament - 9:00 and 14:00 Central European Summer Time
The draw
- if three (or more) times the same position is repeated, and each time the same player having to move
- if a player has in the party three kings (and more) against a single enemy king and his 15th move (counting from the time of establishing the correlation of forces)
cannot capture enemy king
- if within 15 moves the players made moves only kings without moving of men and not making the capture
- if only three kings remain, two king plus a man, one king and two men, against one king, the game shall be considered a draw when the players have each played
another sixteen moves maximum
- if the position in which the both opponents having kings have not changed the balance of pieces (ie, there was no capture and man did not become a king) for:
- to 4-and 5-pieces endings – 30 moves
- in 6, and 7-pieces endings – 60 moves
- if a player having in the party three kings, two kings and one man, one king and two men against one enemy king, located on the long diagonal, his 5th move will
not be able to achieve a winning position
- if a player having in the party two kings, one king and man, one king against enemy king to their 5th move will not be able to achieve a winning position
- in the case of time control before the end of the party without the addition of "Fisher" seconds per move positions: three kings, two kings plus man or a king and
two men, against one enemy king, located on the long diagonal; two kings, one king and a man, or one king against one enemy king, do not play, just recorded a
draw, excluding case when the game is obvious and the player can continue to demonstrate the victory
Concluding remarks
- judge main tournament - Krzysztof Grzelak
- in exceptional situations due to technical problems - the game can be repeated
- every programmer can change versions of its software twice during tournament
- change the software version should be followed in the evening by electronic mail
- the tournament will run the program DraughtsArbiter Pro